Queer chats about Jesus

Episode Two - Coming November 4th!

Episode Summary

Sarah & Chandra announce the date for episode two, and discuss why it will be a month before a new episode comes out.

Episode Notes

Music by Scott Holmes. used with permission under CC.

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Episode Transcription

S: Hi, and welcome to "Queer chats about Jesus."

C: A podcast about reclaiming faith, God, and sexuality within queer relationships.

S: I'm Sarah.

C: I'm Chandra.

S: Let's talk about Jesus. 

Hey guys, so we are back atcha. In our last episode, we said that we would be back next week. That was our intention. Our intention was actually to record and release these once a week. However, with all the technical issues we were having, we will not be able to do that.

C: Yes, so our second episode will drop on Wednesday, November 4th. In the meantime, you can sign up for our newsletter on our website, queerchatsaboutjesus.com.

S: You can also find us on Instagram @queerchatsaboutjesus

C: And you can find us on Facebook, at facebook.com/queerchatsaboutjesus

Thank you for listening.

S: And in the meantime.

C: Keep chatting about Jesus.